Friday, July 31, 2009

Peter on Carbon Footprints

"i'm sorry, my carbon footprint is size 13, bitch! if i want to cut that down i'm going to plant a fucking tree."

Friday, July 24, 2009

Peter on Slowness

"dude, if i go any slower, i'll start traveling back in time.*"

*said after a friend suggested taking things slow, like God does.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Peter on Sucking

"make no mistake, it* was suckin', but it wasn't suckin' in the proper context"

*his vacuum cleaner

Peter on Deez Nutz

"anyone can be the god of deez nutz."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Peter on Hell

"if you're sitting there, jerking off, listening to rock music, watching harry potter on DVD you're probably going to hell, you know, you might be going to hell, ok? that might be what sends you to fucking hell finally forever, and that's it, ah, blblbblb, no redemption for you!"

Peter on the Devil


Peter on Spiritual Things

"every time we fart there's something spiritual going on."

Peter on Rock Music

"if you listen to marilyn manson, you know the devil's got a cock in your ear."

Peter on Slain in the Spirit Videos

"it's making me hate religion... all over again"*

*watching youtube videos of people getting "slain in the spirit"